Category Archives: Life and General Musings

“It’s the current year!!” Looks like 1984 to me

If you’re someone who pays close attention to your Twitter timeline rather than just scrolling for cute cat pictures you may have noticed something very strange with the service. I became suspicious something was going on when people like Milo Yiannopoulos and Mark Kern practically disappeared off the face of the earth on my timeline as did Mercedes Carrera though in her case there was the even stranger event of me somehow unfollowing her altogether. Three people who i could barely go ten minutes without seeing something being posted from them. It seems they were being “shadowbanned” they hadn’t been kicked off the service (because, especially in Milo’s case, there would be an uproar) but instead their tweets weren’t being put on people’s timelines in real time. Basically they were being silenced and Twitter was banking on people not noticing. Sadly for them, you kind of notice when a presence like Milo disappears, when you no longer get assaulted by navels from Mark and obviously Mercedes disappearing is very noticeable.

So that begs the question of why? It seems in recent months Twitter, like other social media, has been doubling down on silencing “wrongthink” which usually translates to anyone with a conservative viewpoint or just pretty much anyone who isn’t towing the “progressive” line. Just like how Facebook, at the urging of the German Chancellor, has been silencing anyone who dares raise questions about the refugee crisis in Europe ( ) it seems Twitter has been following suit in pursuing an agenda that goes completely against the idea of free speech.

In order to do that they have created the “Trust and Safety Council” a name which Orwell himself would have probably been very proud of. A team of all sorts of organisations that is apparently meant to make Twitter “safer” ( ) and make you feel free to express yourself (as long as you have the right sort of politics. Apparently these people haven’t heard of the “people you follow” option when it comes to your notifications. The easier and quickest way to shut down any form of “harassment”  ) Going through the list you wonder just how on earth Twitter can supposedly be for free speech and safety when they have known harassers like Randi Harper ( ) working with them and the folks at Feminist Frequency who have shown a distinct disdain for any form of free expression and who have shut down any discussion when it comes to their content. The same people who were at the UN trying to censor the internet now have perfect chance to do so on one of the biggest social media platforms on it.

We’re already seeing people disappearing off Twitter due to “violations” which routinely boil down to them having a differing opinion to those who are in power (who at the same time moan about how they’re oppressed and being silenced, yet wield all the power) and i’m sure it’s only going to get worse. People like Milo won’t be going anywhere anytime soon on Twitter (barring a completely idiotic PR move by someone on the team) we’ve already seen the uproar about a verification tick, but for smaller voices like myself who are trying to get to that level we find ourselves with constant hurdles in the way and even being told we’ve been thrown out of the race. This is a very dangerous precedent for free speech and the ability to have a free exchange in the marketplace of ideas, a marketplace Twitter and it’s group of authoritarians are aiming to shut down.

The only bright spot about it all is that they may not even get to fully enact their blissful Utopian nightmare as the Twitter share price is dropping by the day. It seems with every new day Twitter plunges to another historic low. As we see with everything from comics to sci-fi to video games when you pander to the regressive left your profits drop drastically because shockingly the average person doesn’t like to be told what they can and can’t say, they don’t like to be labelled things they aren’t with no proof, especially not on the internet, which is where the majority of people finally get to have a voice that they don’t have in real life.

Twitter is probably doomed, as we see here


and choosing the path they’ve chosen that’s unlikely to change anytime soon now. The only hope folks like us, who value free speech, have is that somewhere there’s a social media platform ran by people who do believe in freedom of expression and will let that run free. Twitter has chosen its demise, they’ve chosen the fascist route and it’s just another attack on the very essence of the internet by people who don’t understand it and who want to use it purely for their own propaganda. Eventually the time will come when people have had enough and judging by Twitter’s stock price, that time is now.

A little spiel on Cultural Appropriation

Of all the SJW nonsense i come across, Cultural Appropriation has to be one of the most stupid and regressive. For those that don’t know this is the cry that gets yelled when anyone (usually a white person) dares to partake in some sort of activity that can be attributed to a group of people (such as a nation or a race)  A big example in recent times was the hoopla that was made when Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts decided to hold a public event that allowed people to come and wear a Kimono in front of a painting by Monet. ( )


It is indeed quite a strange area of attack from the progressive……… sorry, …. the regressive left …. Surely a good way to foster relationships between different cultures is for them to partake and share in each other’s cultures. Obviously the devil children of the local university decided otherwise and took it upon themselves to tell Japanese people just how to Japanese. Of course they yelled and stomped while completely ignoring how as they jumped to white knight a culture that never asked for it they were silencing the voices of a minority group, usually a big no-no for these type of people unless of course it’s something they don’t agree with in which case you’re just being a minority wrong. Pandering to the white supremacy, patriarchy, capitalism blah blah buzzword buzzword they chant.


It seems extremely strange looking in from the outside of all this that the 2015 supposed progressive shares quite a deal in common with the mid 1900’s KKK. Demanding segregation, ah sorry “safe spaces” on a daily basis. This type of nonsense does nothing but to drive a wedge between communities. The way for multiculturalism to succeed is for everyone to be able to express themselves and their culture freely and if someone wishes to take an interest in it they should be allowed to as this breeds understanding between people as they learn about people who have a different culture than themselves.


It reminds me of an example of my own when i was teaching in China. The head teacher of the school asked all us foreign teachers to have an assembly where we taught the children a little about us and the country we were from. As something i thought my students would enjoy i dressed up in a bowler hat and suit with a cane, usually the image most people have of the English gentleman. The kids loved it and found it funny, i had a great time and afterwards when we got off stage and went to talk with the children and parents both were so excited to talk to me and wanted to wear the hat and hold the cane and take pictures. It was a fun time, i got to share some information about my country, the history of it and how i felt about it living there. I never once felt they were coming from anywhere but a good place, wanting to know more and learn and just have fun sharing in something. To one of the dimwits at Boston if they held true to their beliefs somehow the students and parents would have been culturally appropriating my culture that day. Absolute nonsense. Just as i’m sure the Japanese people at the museum would (and did) say.


Of course this showcases how you can never win with a SJW. If you try and indulge and learn about another culture you’re “culturally appropriating” it but then on the other hand if you go well ok then i will stay away from it you’re an intolerant narrow minded bigot. As always the best way to handle the situation is to just do what you feel is right. If you want to wear a Kimono in front a painting in an event held by Japanese people then go for it,  if you want to learn more about a culture, go for it. Do not be shamed and stopped in doing so by a loud annoying SJW, they have no power if you don’t acknowledge them and their whining. Do not let them bring segregation back, we’ve made far too much progress as a people to go back to that nonsense.



Love to everyone

Sometimes it’s real easy being with my wife (we’re in a interracial marriage) and living our happy life together to forget that racism is out there. Whether it just be a snide look we get from people in a store all the way to people getting killed because of their melanin level. To think that everyone is just like us, where we take each person as an individual rather than a collective skin colour.
Then i see stuff like today with the shooting in Virginia. Seeing the initial reactions when the story first broke then watching the conversation when the story unfolded and how quickly people’s opinions change. Seeing just how much emphasis people put on race while at the same time trying to claim other people are racist.
This is all foreign to me, i take each person as they come and they can show me whether they’re a good or bad person, i don’t instantly think just because they’re a certain skin colour they’re a bad person and that’s the only reason why. Sadly today i got another reminder that there’s PLENTY of people out there who do and they come from ALL sides.
Moments like that make me take a step back sadly and worry about where we’re going as a people, how divided we’re becoming. I then think about me and my wife and keep that hope alive that hey maybe this is the road we’ll go down instead and begin to embrace and love each other instead of hating each other based on our superficial differences.
Be the difference and the spark for positive change by your actions and words and also tell your loved ones that you love them and never take them for granted, you never know when they’ll be taken from you.
That’s all. Much love to everyone here on my friends list and beyond.

Sephiroth from FF7

Following on from my Cloud Strife drawing last week i figured the next step would be to come up with a Sephiroth picture to compliment it. I hope you all like, i’ve provided 3 different zoomed pictures of it. As always comments and constructive criticism is always welcome as i’m constantly learning and trying to improve. 

Thank you

Sephiroth 2 Sephiroth 3 Sephiroth